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英语教案-I like the English corner-教案

11-08 12:25:38初一英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,初一英语上册教案,人教版初一英语教案,http://www.duosi8.com 英语教案-I like the English corner-教案,

Unit 3 Talking about Friends

I like the English corner

Section A



1、  学习如何表达表达请求对方的允许和表示感谢。

2、  May I…?请求对方的允许。

Sure. 同意对方的请求。



How are you?                                    I’m fine,Thank you…

What’s your name?                            My name’s________.

Nice to neet you.                                Nice to meet you, too.

How old are you?                              I’m________years old.

What grade are you in ?                      I’m in Class_____,Grade 7.

What’s your phone number?                      ________.

Who is she?                                      She’s______.

Is she tall or short?                             She’s tall.

What does she look like?                    She’s tall with black hair.

Whose_______is this?                        It’s mine.



Wat’s in the picture?  Who are they? Let’s talk about them. Watch me ! Do it like this, 一人扮作两人,表演出Who’s that girl ? Which girl ? The girl with short curly hair. Is she wearing a white dress ? Yes. That’s Barbara. 让学生分组进行对话。

What are they doing ? They are speaking English. 推出speak. They speak English in English corner. What does corner mean ? 用简笔画显示。What are they saying ? Guess. They are talking about “friend” 推出friend. Do you have any friends ? Who’s Michael’s good friend. Listen and answer the question. 教师假设自己是学生们一个同龄的新朋友,先介绍自己“My name is ________. You can call me Mr./ Ms . _______.”然后依次提问学生:

May I know your name?

May I call you ….

Msy I study English with you ?

引导学生回答:Sure. My name is ______.

                                  Of  course .

                                  No problem.

第三步:任务1 两人对话。



第五步:任务2 双人活动,编对话。

              让学生两人一组完成Part 2 Pair work..


让学生边听录音边学唱Part 3 歌曲。让学生们对歌词的大意有所了解即可,教师大可不必字斟句酌地给学生们解释。歌词押韵、曲调的节拍明晰,教师可以鼓励学生边唱边和着曲调拍手,这样更加渲染了活跃的课堂气氛。


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,英语教案-I like the English corner-教案

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