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11-08 12:22:48高中试卷
标签:高中试卷大全,http://www.duosi8.com 高中英语试卷:复合句(含定语从句),

15. Women who used to work only in their own houses are now happily working in the new factories. (英译汉)  (1960/二)

16. 这就是上个月教我们种菜的那个同志。(汉译英 下同)       (1961/三/8)

17. 今天的演讲人是一位不久前刚刚入党的老科学家。          (1979/四/5)

18. 秋天来到的时候,天气很晴朗。居住在北京的人认为这是一年中最好的季节。    (1963/二/9)

19. The man ____ talked to you just now is an engineer.

  A. who   B. whose   C. which   D. what                  (1980/三/5)

20. Mrs. Hill is an old woman ____ has a small room in an old house.

  A. who   B. whom   C. which   D. whose                  (1985/二/B/1)

21. 昨天晚上你在图书馆遇到的那个女孩子是他的妹妹。(汉译英)        (1962/四/B/4)

22. In the dark street, there wasn't a single person ____ she could turn for help.

  A. that   B. who   C. from whom   D. to whom            (MET/1992/27)

23. 将下列一组简单句组成复合句:

 In Mr. Wang's house I met several college students. All of them were engaged in revolutionary work.   (1950/二/2)

24. The gardener was called to tell the way ____ the poor dog had died.

  A. that   B. in that   C. which   D. in which           (MET/1989/61)

25. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of ____ hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.

  A. these   B. those   C. that   D. which                (MET/1990/24)

26. Is this the house ____ Shakespeare was born?

  A. at where   B. which   C. in which   D. at which      (1988/三/12)

27. Often people do not like to admit that they do not know their home town and will insist on telling you the way even if they do not know it; others, ____ are anxious to improve that they know their home town very well, will give you a long list of directiions which you cannot possibly hope to remember; and still others do not seem to be able to tell between their left and their right and you find in the end that you are going in the oppossite direction to tthat ____ you should be going.

  A. whom;  for which   B. which; on which

  C. that; to which     D. who; in which (*注:答案次序被调整)         (1988/四/9) & (1988/四/13)

28. 句型转换:

  Some day China will catch up with the highly developed countries. You will see that day.

  → You will see that day ____ China catches up with the highly developed countries.      (1985/四/7)

29. She noticed how nervous he was and suggested he should stand near the stage ____ he could watch and follow the play.

  A. where   B. when   C. that   D. there                            (MET?1991/57)

30. 英译汉: On the second morning of the harvest I went to the fields where I found everyone already at work. 

31. 英译汉: Here are the Palace Museum where China's rich heritage is kept and National Peking Library, Peking University, Tsinghua University and many other Chinese Academies of Sciences are also in Peking.     (1959/二)

32. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child.

  A. which   B. where   C. that   D. when                           (NMET/1996/16)

33. All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those ____ in the forest.

  A. once they grew   B. they grew once

  C. that once grew   D. once grew                                  (NMET/上海1997/23)

34. People are animals who(A) needs(B) depend on(C) what they have already had(D) and only those needs that have not been satisfied can affect their action.(改错)                                          (NMET/上海/1997/六/I/10)

35. I thought her nice and honest ____ I met her.

  A. first time       B. for the first time

  C. the first time   D. by the first time                         (NMET/上海/1998/9)

36. He made another wonderful discovery, ____ of great importance to science.

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