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11-08 12:22:48高中试卷
标签:高中试卷大全,http://www.duosi8.com 高中英语试卷:复合句(含定语从句),

  A. which   B. that   C. this   D. it                             (2005/浙江/2)

8. _______ I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.

  A. When   B. After   C. As   D. Since                            (2005/浙江/17)

9. — Is that the small town you often refer to?

   — Right, just the one ___ you know I used to work for years.

  A. that   B. which   C. where   D. what                          (2005/福建/35)

10.Her sister has become a lawyer, ____ she wanted to be.

  A. who   B. that   C. what   D. which                            (2005/湖北/29)

11. Frank's dream was to have his own shop _____ to produce the workings of his own hands.

  A. that   B. in which   C. by which   D. how                     (2005/湖南/27)

12. Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes ____ people were eaten by the tiger.

  A. in which   B. by which   C. which   D. that                   (2005/广东/35)

13. Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003, ______ he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students' Union.

  A. during which time   B. for which time

  C. during whose time   D. by that time                           (2005/重庆/32)

14. He was educated at a local grammar school, ______ he went on to Cambridge.

  A. from which   B. after that   C. after which   D. from this    (2005/山东/30)

15. The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs _____ they are being trained.

  A. in that   B. for that   C. in which   D. for which            (2005/江西/25)

16. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _____ it was 20 years ago, ______ it was so poorly equipped.

  A. what; when   B. that; which   C. what; which   D. which; that   (2005/安徽/32)


20xx年 复合句(含定语从句)

1. The English play ______ my students acted at the New Year's party was a great success.

  A. for which   B. at which   C. in which   D. on which           (2004/全国/I/23)

2. There were dirty marks on her trousers ______ she had wiped her hands.

  A. where   B. which   C. when   D. that                          (2004/全国/II/23)

3. That's an unpleasant thing to say about your father after ______ he's done for you.

  A. something   B. anything   C. all   D. that                    (2004/全国/II/35)

4. George Orwell, ______ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays.

  A. the real name   B. what his real name

  C. his real name   D. whose real name                            (2004/北京/26)

5. ______ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.

  A. It   B. As   C. That   D. What                                (2004/北京/34)

6. Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, ______, of course, made the others envy him.

  A. who   B. that   C. what   D. which                            (2004/天津/23)

7. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% ______ are sold abroad.

  A. of which   B. which of   C. of them   D. of that              (2004/辽宁/35)

8. American women usually identify their best friend as someone _____ they can talk frequently.

  A. who   B. as   C. about which   D. with whom                   (2004/上海/36)

9. ____ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.

  A. Which   B. When   C. What   D. As                             (2004/江苏/33)

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