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您当前位置:多思学习网文章资讯免费教案英语教案小学三年级英语教案Unit 6 Our fashion show(第五册)-教案

Unit 6 Our fashion show(第五册)-教案

04-06 16:52:00小学三年级英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,三年级英语上册教案,三年级英语复习教案,http://www.duosi8.com Unit 6 Our fashion show(第五册)-教案,

Unit 6 our fashion show

Teaching aims : master the new words and the drills

Teaching steps: I. Greetings

                II. Revision

                 III. New words : trousers shorts jeans sweater shoes jacket

                 IV. New drills : Whos wearing the black jeans ?

                                  Pats wearing the black jeans .

                                  What do you like ?

                                  I like the red sweater.

               v. Practice in pairs

              Vi . sUMUP

             vii. Homework . Finish off the EXX 12 in workbook .

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,Unit 6 Our fashion show(第五册)-教案

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