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关于动物园见闻的小学生英语作文_At zoo

11-27 13:57:29优秀作文
标签:高中优秀作文,高考优秀作文,http://www.duosi8.com 关于动物园见闻的小学生英语作文_At zoo,

  Last Sunday my friend and l went to the zoo.First we saw three big elephants.Then they watched the parots in the tree.They were yellow and red,it’s beautiful.They sang very loudly.Ann said, “l’m hot.l wanted to an ice-cream.”So we went to the shop buy many things.Sue said, “Let’s go ang see the crocodile. ”l would like to take a photo of them with my new camera.Last Sunday we were very happy.(小学生作文网)

,关于动物园见闻的小学生英语作文_At zoo

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