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11-08 12:32:37座右铭
标签:座右铭大全,http://www.duosi8.com 爱情繁体座右铭,

-- Suoluo Wei about Cardiff
● about love, people have many definitions: Love is life in poetry and the sun.
                                                                    -- Belinskiy
● Love is understanding and considerate alias.
                            -- Rabindranath Tagore
● what it means to love a person? » This means that for his happiness pleased to enable him to do more to be done and well-being of all and be happy from them.
                                                                                       -- Chernyshevsky
● real love, give up personal happiness only after generated.
                                                   -- Lev Tolstoy
● Love is a great teacher, she taught us new leaf.
                                                   -- Moliere
● true love like a beautiful flower, the more open barren ground, it appears that the very eyes of Wyatt.
                                                                                     -- Balzac
● After all, love is a person's self-worth to someone else reflected.
                                                                 -- Emerson,爱情繁体座右铭


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