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初二 英语 80字作文 (我 最好的朋友)

11-27 11:43:50英语作文
标签:高中英语作文,初一英语作文,初二英语作文,http://www.duosi8.com 初二 英语 80字作文 (我 最好的朋友),

初二 英语 80字作文 (我 最好的朋友)

题目:My Best Friend(我 最好的朋友)
What's the meaning of a friend to you? Maybe you think that a friend is someone who will listen to you when you're filled with sorrow. Maybe you think that a friend is someone who will give you a gift on your birthday. But to me, a friend is someone I can rely on.
When I was eight years old, I met, my best friend, Jennifer. Her personality was different from mine. She's very resolute and brave. When I was sad, she was the person who would sit next to me, comforting me. When I was happy, she was the person with whom I could share my joy. As of now, we have been friends for eight years. Although we're not classmates anymore, I believe that we'll still be good friends tomorrow and forever.

,初二 英语 80字作文 (我 最好的朋友)


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