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感恩节征文 What I Feel on Thanksgiving

04-10 13:09:46感恩教育
标签:感恩教育主题班会,感恩教育手抄报,http://www.duosi8.com 感恩节征文 What I Feel on Thanksgiving,

What I Feel on Thanksgiving

Ren Suzhen Thanksgiving is coming. On this special occasion many people give their thankfulness to their parents, relatives, friends, and teachers, which represent a lot of beautiful feelings among people. On this special occasion I really want to express my thankfulness to those things we take for granted in our daily life. I want to express my thankfulness to the fresh air I breathe everyday. It is too ordinary to be neglected; I want to express my thankfulness to the birds which come to my balcony everyday. When I see them and hear their singing I feel I am so close to the nature; I want to express my thankfulness the path. When I walk by it everyday I feel a kind of calmness from the bottom of my heart; I want to express my thankfulness to the trees and grass around me. When I pass by them everyday I feel a kind of harmony and quietness of life. When I want to express my thankfulness I learn to appreciate many things in my life. When I learn to appreciate many things I feel warmth, harmony and comfort in my heart. I am lucky that I can feel the charming influence of this beautiful world. Thanksgiving gives me a chance to think many things in daily life. I want to express my thankfulness to this holiday – Thanksgiving Day.,感恩节征文 What I Feel on Thanksgiving
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