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英语教案-unin8 A person of great determination(上)-教案

04-06 17:34:56高三英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,高三英语复习教案,高三英语复习课教案,http://www.duosi8.com 英语教案-unin8 A person of great determination(上)-教案,

  3.Three times during that day we were on the point of giving up. But the captain’s courage, determination and iron will forced us to continue, and we went back to the pumps. “I will land you safe in Livepool,”he cried, “if you will stay strong and firm with me.”

StepIV.Learn some words through the context.(语境中体会词的语意与用法。)

  1.The captain, as soon as he realized the situation,took charge.He ordered the sailors back to their pumps and encouraged them fiercely to save the ship.His strong will doubled their efforts.

[a.fiercely:(of heat,strong feeling,etc)very great;angrily,violently and cruel

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