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Social and personal-教案

04-06 17:33:04高三英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,高三英语复习教案,高三英语复习课教案,http://www.duosi8.com Social and personal-教案,

  4. In fact I’m rather surprised you haven’t done so already. In my personal opinion, you should have done this as soon as you found out he was stealing.

StepIII:Language focus

  1. Ms Amy warned that those who had been caught_____ on the exams would be severely punished.

  A.cheated  B.to cheat  C. cheating  D. to be cheating

2. The audience waited until the curtain rose and then _____ into laughter at the sight of the funny actor.

  A. broke  B. went  C. started  D. burst

3. ______

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