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高一英语第二十三单元 Rescuring the Temple_高一英语教案

04-06 17:25:27高一英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,人教版高一英语教案,新课标高一英语教案,http://www.duosi8.com 高一英语第二十三单元 Rescuring the Temple_高一英语教案,

In all , 1 , 700 workers and 200 other people worked on the project .

There were 20 people in all in the party .

9 . make a ( n ) … effort to do sth . 尽力做某事

Please make an effort to arrive early .

The prisoner made no effort to escape .

The people made a good effort to work on the project .

10 . interesting places — places of interest 游览胜地

There are plenty of interesting places to visit in my hometown .

11 . in groups 分组地,成群结队地

They were discussing the plan for their trip in groups .

12 . stone by stone 一块石头一块石头地

13 . all through — 在整个……时期中,自始至终,在整个……范围内

The baby cried all through the night .

There was silence all through the room . 屋里一片沉默。 ( 表示范围 )

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,高一英语第二十三单元 Rescuring the Temple_高一英语教案

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