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04-06 17:19:35初三英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,人教版初三英语教案,初三英语复习教案,http://www.duosi8.com 九年级英语期末考试(推荐)_九年级英语教案,
It 3 _ me an hour 4 5 my homework yesterday.
3. The teacher went to bed after he finished his work.. (变为同义句)
The teacher 6 go to bed 7 he finished his work.

4. Get up early, or you’ll be late for school. (变为同义句)
8 you 9 get up early, you’ll be late for school.
5. I don’t know where I should go. (变为同义句)
I don’t know 10 11 12 .
6. We planted many trees on the hill last year. (改为被动语态)
Many trees 13 14 on the hill last year.
7. We must clean our classroom this afternoon. (改为被动语态)
Our classroom 15 16 17 this afternoon.
8. Are you going to the cinema this evening? (合并为宾语从句)
He asked me 18 19 20 going to the cinema this evening.
V. 完

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