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04-11 11:44:04英语教学反思
标签:小学英语教学反思,初中英语教学反思,七年级英语教学反思,http://www.duosi8.com 活动中体验,体验上领悟,
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n                 一堂活动课教学案  




在上课之前,老师让学生把座位排成一个大圆圈,黑板上写上English Games预先安排好主持人(班长和课代表),老师的角色是观众和裁判,(在学生需要帮助时她又是帮助者。)把学生按照座位分为四组,用竞赛的形式,在活动中对个人和四组进行对比,让学生感到这是一节语言活动课,在愉快的氛围中开始了对“现在进行时”的学习。

Step 1:   Warming up

主持人:Good afternoon, everyone. Do you like English games? I think everyone likes playing games. This class, let’s play English games. Let’s think in English, listen in English and talk in English.

1、At first, let’s listen to a song and sing “London Bridge is falling down.”(让学生首先从歌词中感知“现在进行时”,这能起到很好的学习前的热身作用。)

2、Then ,let’s ask and answer one by one:

S1: What is your favourite sport?

S2: Football /football /football

What is your favourite sport?

S3: Volleyball /volleyball /volleyball.

What is your favourite sport?

S4: Swimming /swimming /swimming.


Section 2: Action Ⅰ(活动一)展示特技特长

主持人:I know everyone has a favourite sport, and are you good at it? Can you show us ?  Please go to the circle, make an action, and say:

         I can______ .Look, I’m______ing

         Each student get a prize. Let’s see which group will do best.

此活动给学生表现自已的空间和机会,让学生充分展示自已的才能和特长。要求做一个动作并用英语说出:I can _____.Look, I’m _____ ing .


S1:I can ride a bike. Look, I’m riding. (做动作)

S2:I can swim. Look, I’m swimming. (做动作)

S3:I can make a paper ship, Look, I am making a paper ship. (现场用纸折一纸船)

S4: I can stand on my head. (倒立)Look, I’m standing on my head.(掌声)(老师表扬:You’re great.)


Step3: Action Ⅱ(活动2)表演双簧


    S1:(读句子):It’s six o’clock. I’m getting up. I’m putting on my clothes. I’m brushing my teeth and washing my face. I’m having breakfast quickly. I’m putting my book in my bag. I’m opening the door. I’m riding to school. I’m stopping .My bike is broken. I’m mending it. I’m running with my bike. Oh, I’m late.

    S2: (做动作)

    S3: I’m sitting in sofa. I’m watching a football game. I’m hungry. I’m looking for something to eat. I’m cooking. The fire is up. I’m jumping. I’m getting some water and pouring it. The door is ringing. I’m opening the door. A fireman is standing at the door.



Step4: Act Ⅲ (活动3)听和画

主持人:(发给同学图画纸)Listen to me and draw as the sentences say.


P1: The girl is playing table tennis.

P2: The woman is riding a bike.

P3: The girl is playing computer games.

P4: The woman is cleaning the floor.

P5: The boy is drawing a picture.

P6: The t

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www.duosi8.com wo boys are playing chess.

P7: The girl is flying a kite.

P8: The woman is reading.


Step5 Act Ⅳ(活动4)讲故事

主持人:Look at the picture. We all know this story. but now let’s tell the story in English:

The little cat is fishing. (小锚钓鱼)

给出生词:钓鱼fish    蝴蝶 butterfly     高兴 happy    伤心 sad


展示图片,用熟悉的故事主题让学生编故事,应用进行时态(生词先提供给他们)并在故事结尾鼓励学生说出寓意,融入了思想教育:We must do everything carefully. We mustn’t be a careless student.鼓励学生tell another story.此活动旨在锻炼语言表达能力和想象能力。学生表达积极,气氛非常活跃。有一个学生还上台讲了the monkey and the tiger 的故事,获得学生们的热烈掌声。

Step7: Action Ⅴ(活动5) 理想的星期日


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